November 2024
Crossroads Newsletter
A monthly in-depth ‘behind the scenes’ look at what’s happening at Crossroads with stories & testimonies from across the network, vision for the future, financial reports, and special news from Pastor Rich, Our Pillars, and Campus Pastors.
Crossroads Conversations
Why Neighboring
More About: Giving Tuesday | Crave Lock-In | Christmas Program | Financial Update
Giving Tuesday
As we head into the final weeks of 2024, several charitable organizations will be contacting you asking for a contribution to their cause. A national event, or day of giving – Giving Tuesday – was created to further that cause. (Click Here to Give)
Giving Tuesday is a global generosity movement with the intent of unleashing the power of radical generosity. Giving Tuesday was created in 2012 as a simple idea: a day that encourages people to do good. Giving Tuesday is December 3, 2024 this year.
As Giving Tuesday, and the end of the tax year, approaches, we ask that when you consider your end-of-year giving you prayerfully consider Crossroads Community Church.
Many people’s lives have been impacted by the many ministries of Crossroads this year. Your prayers, presence, and financial support help Crossroads build up our community of faith and share the love of Jesus with a world in need. Such generosity makes the work of transforming rural communities for the cause of Christ possible. Your giving changes lives for eternity!
Your gift can be contributed through any of our four safe, secure, and convenient ways to give. Your continued support means so much to Crossroads, and we are grateful for you!
Crave Lock-In
Pastor Hannah Fehr
Several months ago I got a FaceTime call from two eager students asking if they could plan the next One Night for Crave. I immediately said yes, but also offered an additional opportunity – what if we did a lock-in?! The excitement over the phone was tangible. By the next week, this 14 and 15-year-old duo had a whole plan in place for the lock-in. The biggest goal they had was (and I quote), “Show that Christians can have fun without doing bad stuff”. When I talked to them about what the message should be about at the lock-in, they suggested we address God’s nearness because so many people they knew were experiencing loneliness. So, with the help of 50 of the world’s best adult leaders and an incredibly committed team of student leaders, Crave had its first official lock-in. 92 students came in our doors and got to hear that they were not alone, deeply loved by God, and were given an opportunity to accept Jesus. They had an awesome time playing laser tag, going through an escape room, having free milkshakes, and getting barely any sleep. We had a silent disco and one of our students looked at me and said, “This is the most fun I’ve ever had in my entire life”. 92 teenagers had an opportunity to experience Christ. 92 teenagers were reminded that they are never alone. 92 students were able to have the time of their lives in God’s house. And that’s what I call worth it.
Thank you, church, for all you do for our NextGen to have safe spaces to encounter God and community. I am constantly blown away by how you all rally around our kids and students. Our NextGen scholarship fundraiser is a perfect example of that. Every time I see envelopes taken, I am reminded that we are all in this together. Ministry could never be done without willing hearts that have already encountered God’s life-changing power. You show up for our young people by investing time relationally, committing to them in prayer, and taking care of their needs financially. What you give is so deeply important. Thank you for never giving up on NextGen and always giving them hope. This is the church and I’m so grateful to be a part of it with you.

Freeport | Dec 7th & 8th
Polo, Winnebago | Dec 8th
Galena, Morrison | Dec 15th
Executive Update.
Pastor Patrick McDermott
Financial Stewardship
Generosity is an act of worship. God is doing amazing things through our generosity. Because every dollar given to our church has the potential to bring about the Kingdom of God right here in our communities, it is important that every donation is handled in accordance with the principles of Christian financial stewardship.
Christian financial stewardship is the management of the financial resources God has assigned to us. It includes the individual and collective choices we make and involves planning, conserving, safeguarding, expanding, and channeling the wealth God has placed in our care. Stewardship is “the responsible overseeing and protection of something considered worth caring for and preserving.” Scripture commands us to be diligent in whatever we do, including our stewardship of earthly wealth.
Robust financial management through internal controls protects the generous sacrifice of church members’ tithes and offerings.
“Internal Controls” is a term that can sound daunting to some or quite possibly evoke blank stares from others. In reality, Internal Controls are simply the group of processes we use to ensure your tithes and offerings go where they were intended. Crossroads Community Church, the Elders and Trustees, and specifically the Finance department (which is comprised of four paid staff and many volunteers from each campus) treat this subject with the utmost care and have several procedures in place to protect the funds given, all the volunteers and staff who come in contact with money, and the Church and Kingdom as a whole.
The full list of Finance Department internal controls is extensive, but here are a few highlights that you may find interesting:
The first count of any monetary offering is always, without exception, opened and counted by at least two people, in the view of a security camera. Utilizing three people for the first count is preferable but two is required.
A second count is performed by the person entering the deposit in our accounting software. The second count needs to agree with the first count.
The Finance Department confirms the accuracy of the first and second count through multiple processes including daily bank account monitoring, monthly bank reconciliation, and donor database reconciliation.
The Finance Department strives to handle your gifts with the highest integrity. We want to honor you as the donor, but also, recognize that we are all merely stewards of the immeasurable blessings God has graciously given to us. Our job is to steward His resources well.