December 2024
Crossroads Newsletter
A monthly in-depth ‘behind the scenes’ look at what’s happening at Crossroads with stories & testimonies from across the network, vision for the future, financial reports, and special news from Pastor Rich, Our Pillars, and Campus Pastors.
Crossroads Conversations
Join us as we talk about how we move from LifeGroups into loving our neighbor this Christmas season.
More About: Christmas Services | Next-Gen Scholarship | Financial Update

Christmas Eve
At Crossroads
Freeport | 1, 2:30, 4 & 6 PM
Galena | 6 PM
Monroe | 4 PM
Morrison | 4 PM
Polo | 5 PM
Winnebago | 4 PM
Online w/ Rich & Lisa | 10 AM
Next-Gen Scholarship
Pastor Dave Herndon and Hannah Fehr
For the last several years we have been collecting funds for our Next Gen Scholarship Fundraiser (NGSF). You all have been SO generous in how you give to our kids and youth. During this year's NGSF ask, we have raised over $20,000! Crossroads you are AMAZING! In just over a month, you committed to life change for our Next-Gen and Next-Gen leaders in the next year, however, the impact lasts a lifetime!
The money you gave helped us reduce the cost of Kidzlink and Crave camp by $200 per person! It helped us train our teams to serve families with power and confidence. It created retreats and lock-ins that allowed teens to have breakthroughs in their faith. Your generosity not only has a general impact but a long-lasting personal impact as well. At Kidzlink Camp last summer we had 27 kids accept Christ for the first time. We had one kid who came home singing worship. His mother was elated because he NEVER sings worship songs. Another family was hesitant to send their son to camp but it was a huge opportunity for him to grow and now they’re urging everyone to send their kids to camp. One Crave student commented that camp made her "feel free" and that her "eyes were wide open again".
We look to the future full of hope at the possibilities we have to minister to these precious souls. Thank you for always being faithful to making generosity your privilege so we have no limits to making Jesus the message to our next generation of kids and students!
Executive Update.
Pastor Patrick McDermott
Financial Stewardship
Merry Christmas!
From Your Crossroads Leadership Team